Dear IBSC swimmers and parents,
Please find details of the competition as below.
It’s mandatory to do a RTK self test prior to the event. Anyone who’s positive are NOT ALLOWED to swim in the meet.
Swimmers please submit your RTK test result to myself or Ms Zura on Friday, 11th March.
Please be reminded to strictly follow the SOP by the organiser. Any compound by the authority on any participant/attendee shall be borne by the offenders.
Warm-Up Time :-
The pool sessions are as follows:
12th March (Saturday) : Warm-up 06:30 am onwards
13th March (Sunday) : Warm-up 06:30 am onwards
Session Reports :-
*Will be posted soon once available via group chat
* Also available in Meet Mobile apps
Qualifying time :
Please find the meet qualifying time here, failure to swim within the qualifying time will be resulted in Penalty.
Scratching/Withdrawal of Events :-
There is NO SCRATCHING OF EVENTS are allowed in this meet after Thursday 10th March 2022.
Penalty shall be imposed for each event withdrawn for No Show (NS) or Did Not Swim (DNS) and to be paid by swimmers before allowed to next event.
Swimmers are urged to report to Marshall room ON TIME to avoid DNS.
Please be informed that time achieved in SportExcel Meet may be considered for MIAG Qualification as well.
The team attire will be as follows :-
12th March (Saturday) : IBSC Pink set
13th March (Sunday) : IBSC Black set

Swim Wears
Swimmers are advised to wear swimming suits/jammers/trunks approved by FINA only. No swim wears should extend below the knees.
Swimmers are advised to wear BSW swim caps.
IBSC swimmers and supporters are advised to camp together as a team for ease of communication and food distribution. The IBSC camp will be marked with IBSC flag banners.
Meals and Refreshments
Snacks and Lunch will be provided by IBSC to the swimmers.
Uncollected lunch after 2pm of the event day will be redistributed to other.
Please adhere to the SOPs during lunch box collection.
Please bring your own supply of drinking water.
Good sportsmanship is vital. The EXCO expects all swimmers to carry the good name of IBSC during the swim meet. All swimmers are to respect each other including your competing peers and adhere to the rules and regulations of the meet and instructions of the Team Managers/officials and coaches.
Please also be reminded that the diving platforms and springboards are out of bounds. Do not be playful around the pool deck or marshal area to avoid any untoward incidents. Any delinquent swimmer can be subject to disciplinary action.
IBSC Officials
IBSC working committee for the above meet are:
Asst. Team Manager : Mr Patrick Lee (016 693 4507)
Coaches : Coach Shazali, Coach Kamal, Coach Daniel Bego
If you have an queries on the above meet, please contact the Team Manager or Coaches.
We wish all IBSC swimmers ALL THE BEST!
Please be reminded to adhere to the SOPs strictly.
Thank you.
Logistic and Pool Location